Thursday, December 5, 2013

Aja's Homophones

This week we used Google Presentations and Little Bird Tales to share our learning about the homophones through and threw.  Here is Aja's work. 

Disco Dancing

Here is Aja's recount about her favourite part of the Party with a purpose. She has used imovie on the ipad to share her story.

Disco Dancing By Aja from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Timeus' Homophones

This week we used Google Presentations and Little Bird Tales on the ipad to share our learning about the homophones through and threw.  Here is Timeus' work. 

The most disgusting thing to eat

Uncle took the dog and killed it. While it was dripping with BLOOD he took the dog and skinned the it.
It was sizzling on the spit. The fur was floating up my nose when the dog was cooked.
I nibbled on the dog and I felt something in my tummy. I ZOOMED in the bathroom, “BLAH!” The dog fur tumbled out of my mouth and I never forgot that taste for the rest of my life.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Candy Floss Story, by Demetrius

Last week we were writing recounts about our party with a purpose.  We were focusing on starting our stories with a hook to get our readers interested.  Here is Demetrius' finished work.  He has used puppet pals to publish it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thank you Mrs Manuyag!

Last week we had a fundraising 'Party with a Purpose' to raise money for the Philippines.  Mrs Munuyag and her class organised it for us and we managed to raise over $1000 and collect lots of food and water to send to the Filipino people.  The party was a lot of fun, we had face painting, a bouncy castle, candy floss and a disco.  Some of the children in Room 10 wrote cards to say thank you to Mrs Manuyag for organising such a fun day, but Siale and Kenneth decided to write and perform a song. Here is their finished work.  Thanks again Mrs Manuyag!

Song For Mrs Manuyag from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Spooky Story, By Faith

Faith has written a spooky narrative.  She practiced reading it with a scary voice and then recorded herself.  Beware, you may be very afraid after listening to this. 

Spooky Story - By Faith from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Fireworks, By Calais

Calais has written a story about Guy Fawkes night at his house.  He practice reading with fluency and expression before he recorded himself.  Take a look at the result, his practice has paid off.

Calais Fireworks from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Spooky House

Everyone had lots of fun over Halloween so we decided to write some spooky stories.  Timeus worked carefully on his story to make sure it was especially creepy.  Have a read of it and let him know what you think.  

The Spooky House

One spooky night there was a little vampire. The little vampire went inside the spooky dark house, he saw some undead people lying on the ground. He went upstairs to look for the dark witch. The vampire went inside the dark witch’s room but he cannot see anything. He used a torch to see in the dark, he saw some draws and paintings, then he saw a dark witch, she was getting the spells ready. The witch was carrying an object and she threw the object at the vampire. He ducked down and the object flew over his head. The witch had missed. He chased after the witch and he knocked the witch out. He solved the secret door and he got away.

The Lost thing

We read 'The Lost Thing' by Shaun Tan and decided to write narratives about our own lost things.  Aja has written an action packed story filled with bullies, a minion and a robbery. Listen to her reading the story and see if you can find out how the character in her story used chillies to stop the bullies. 

The lost Minion from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Film Festival 2013

Last term Room 10 worked together to make a movie for the Manaiakalani film festival.  We planned a theme for our movie, storyboarded it, wrote scripts and made costumes.   After all that we were ready to film and we had lots of fun doing it.  Take a look at our finished movie, we are really proud of ourselves.

A little while ago friendship and honesty needed to be promoted but how do we do this ? The students came up with a solution... Help is on the way!

Film Trailers

Click play to view the trailer of the movies our school have made for the Manaiakalani Film Festival this year. 

Manaiakalani Film Festival Trailer - Tamaki Primary School Movies from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Lost Puppy, by Durpi

Dupri has been working very hard to write stories that have more then one idea.  Here he is reading a story he wrote last week about a puppy that got lost.  Well done Dupri on a well sequenced story that has more then one idea.  Keep up the good work!


Jason and the Puppy, By Daimai

Last week we had some children from Room 9 with us while their teacher was at camp.  Daimai has written a story about a puppy and Taiala has helped him use the voice recorder on the ipad to publish it. You've done an awesome job Daimai and it was a great having you in the class.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ben and the Zombie

This week we read 'The Lost Thing' by Shaun Tan and we have written our own lost thing stories.   Here is Kaitati's story.

Rampaging Bull, by Azuredream

Azuredream has written a story about a crazy bull in his backyard.  He has used the fotobabble on the ipad to publish it.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Little Lost Rabbit, By Alone

Alone has written a story about a little lost rabbit and she has used doodle caster to publish it.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Athletics Day, By Kenneth

Kenneth has used Story bird to publish his narrative about an imaginary athletics day.  Leave him a comment to let him know what you think.

athletics_day from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tales from Athletics Day

We have been practicing writing narratives in Room 10.  We have careful to include an orientation, problem and resolution in our stories.  Here are some of the narratives we wrote last week.  We'd love to hear your feedback.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Athletics Day

Last Wednesday we had Athletics.  It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun.  Take a look at the video below to see what we got up to.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Running of the bulls

Last week Kenneth and Siale watched a video of the running of the bulls.  They decided to write a poem about it from the perspective of the bull.  Watch the video and let them know what you think.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Jadaleigh worked with Joan during Tuakana Teina day to create this book review.  Hopefully you'll want to read the book after reading it. 

Jayden and Timeus' Book Review

On Tuakana Teina day Timeus worked with Jayden to create this presentation about his favourite book.  Take a look and let him know what you think. 

Hineuwera and Aja's Book Review

Last Tuesday was Tuakana Teina day.  Room 10 worked with their buddies from Room 8 to create a presentation about their favourite book.  Aja worked with Hineuwera to complete her presentation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuakana Teina Day with Room 8

Every term we get together with our buddy class for Tuakana Teina.  Our buddies from Room 8 are experts on the netbooks and they showed us how to do a lot of new things and we shared our favourite book with them.  Here are some photos from the day.  We'll post some of the work we did soon. 

Monday, September 9, 2013


We have been learning about homophones.  Kira has made a presentation using Google Apps to show some common homophones.  Can you think of anymore, leave us a comment with your ideas.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Jump Strategy

In Maths Taimana has been learning to use number lines to solve change unknown problems.  Katitati has used explain everything on the ipad to record himself solving a problem using the jump strategy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Where's the Salad? By Taiala

Taiala has written a story about some Salad eating zombies.  She has used puppet pals to share her story on the blog.  Listen carefully to hear the powerful verbs she has used in her story. 

What we know about friendship

The Tigers have been learning to activate their prior knowledge to help them read and understand new texts.  This week they used popplet to think of all the things they knew about friendship before they read a journal story called 'Friends'.

Making Tapacloth, By Kaitati

On Monday Room 10 made tapa cloth for Tongan Language week.  Kaitati has written a recount of our tapa making experience.  He has used imovie to share his story.  

Learn Tongan - Part Two

Losana, Kensington and Sifa have put together a video to help us learn some Tongan words for common classroom items.  Take a look and see if you can remember all the words.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tongan Language Week

Malo e lelei!  It's Tongan language week and in Room 10 we are very lucky to have a lot of Tongan language experts who are very keen to share what they know.  We are going to make a series of videos to help people learn some basic Tongan words.  Siale, Agnes and Falakiko have created this video to teach you some greetings and how to say goodbye. 

Tongan from Kirsty Macfarlane on Vimeo.

Poetry Readings

We have been practicing poetry readings this term.  We are trying to make our reading interesting by using expression and changing our tone and pace while we are reading. Here are four recordings by Faith, Elizabeth, Cornelius and Jadaleigh.  We hope you enjoy them.

Forest Adventure, by Helen

Helen has used story bird to publish an adventure story she wrote.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kidnapped! By LJ

LJ has written a frightening story about a kidnapping.  He has used powerful words to create a picture in the reader's head.  Great work LJ.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Reviews

The wolves have used Google Draw to write a book review.  Here are two completed reviews written by Losana and Kenneth.

Losana's book review: 
Kenneth's book review:  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Little Miss Hansell and the Orangutans

Kaitati has used puppet pals and imovie to share his story about Little Miss Hansell at the zoo.  Great work Kaitati.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Miss Hansell at the Zoo, by Kira

In the morning the middle school went onto the bus to go to the zoo. We were walking when suddenly Room 9 didn’t realise that they had dropped Little Ms Hansell so she wandered away to look at other animals. After that Little Miss Hansell went to the cafe to have a warm cup of tea by herself to keep nice and warm and relax all alone to get some peace and quiet. Finaly the TPS kids found her and took her into the Ritchies bus.
by Kira

Ice Cream Poem, by Siale

After our ice cream sundaes Siale decided to write a senses poem about his experience. He has used google presentations to share his work.  He would love to hear what you think.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Ice Cream Sundae Monday, by Kaitati

After making ice cream sundaes Kaitati decided to write a recount of the events.  He has used imovie on the ipad to share his work.  Leave him a comment to let him know what you think. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Zombie Attack, By Dupri

Dupri has worked really hard this week to write a story with a beginning, middle and end and he has done a great job.  He used puppet pals, with the help of Kaitati, to publish his story.  Take a look at his finished work. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ice-Cream Sundaes

On Monday we celebrated getting 100 marbles again.  We decided that ice-cream sundaes would be a great way to celebrate our achievement and it was!   Check out the video below to see photos our our ice cream sundae experience.  Thanks Falakiko for taking the photos. 

What's your opinion?

The Bears reading group has been learning to state their opinion .  Last they read an article called 'Should animals be kept in zoos?'  After they had finished reading they wrote down their opinion on whether or not animals should be kept in zoos.  Taiala has used go animate to share her opinion.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wild Boys Rap

After our zoo trip Calais, Siale, Kenneth and Kaitati wanted to write a rap about the animals we saw. They worked hard all week to write, learn and perform the rap.  Take a look at the finished product.

Zoo Trip, by Alone

Alone worked hard last week to write a story about our trip to the zoo.  She has been learning to write stories with more then one idea and she has done a great job on this!  Keep up the good work Alone.

Animals, Animals, Animals!

After our Zoo trip in Week One we came back to school keen to write.  Losana has decided to write an informative piece about animals.  She used what she learnt at the zoo as well as books and google to find the information she needed.  She has published her work as a slideshow.  Take a look at the finished product.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Zoo Words

After our zoo trip we got into groups and wrote down all the words that came into our head when we thought about the zoo. We used tagxedo to put them into an animal shape. Here are the results.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Poetry Performers

We have been experimenting with performing poetry over the last two weeks.  This week the children could choose to practice and perform a poem called 'The Panther's Heart'  

The Panther's Heart

Although he still pads about behind
The bars of his solitary cage,
Although he looks up nightly
At the moonstruck mountains
And the falling snow,
The panther’s heart
Stopped long ago.

Losana and Leilani decided to perform it as a song.  Here is a video of their performance.

Last week we had our own version of Room 10's got talent.  The children worked in groups or individually to practice and perform our poem - The Invitation by Shel Silverstein.  Everyone then voted for their favourite and Timeus was the winner.  Take a look at the video below to see his performance.

Monday, August 5, 2013

We're Going to the Zoo

Last Thursday we were lucky enough to go to the zoo with Room 9.  We saw lots of different animals and some of us even fed the giraffe!  We are all busy writing about it at the moment so hopefully we'll have some more zoo postings soon.  For now you can check out our video to see what we got up to.

The Return of Wally

We got a big surprise when we came to school on Thursday last week - Wally was had come back to Room 10.  We found him in the library corner reading a book and eating chocolate!  We were very excited, especially because he came back right on time for our trip to the zoo. He said he had lots of fun at Green Bay Primary, but he is happy to be back in Room 10.  I wonder what his next adventure will be.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A letter from Wales

We have got some friends in Wales and they sent us a letter to say thank you for some cards we sent them.  In the letter they told us about the longest train station name in the world.  It's the name of a station in Wales and the word is Welsh.  Here it is:


Our friends said that not many people know how to say it and we saw this as a challenge.  We are going to use the video below to practice saying it and see if we can learn to say it.  Can you say it?

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

We have been reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret this term.  While we were reading it we discovered that one of the characters, Georges Melies, was a real person.  We had lots of questions about him so Kenneth did some research and he has created a doc with some information on Georges.  Here is his finished research:

Georges Melies full name is Marie Georges-Jean Melies. He was a french illusionist filmmaker famous for  leading many technical and narrative developments in earliest days of cinema
Born: December 8, 1861.
Died: January 21, 1938.
Children: Andre Melies, Georgette Melies.
Siblings: Goston Melies and Henri Melies.  
Georges Melies was one of the best magicians in Paris he has made 5554 movies in 6 weeks.  

Here is one of Georges' most famous movies - A Trip to the Moon.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Face Time with Wally and Room 5

Our Giraffe Wally has been on an adventure for the last ten weeks and we miss him.  He's at Green Bay Primary School at the moment so we thought it would be a good idea to call them and see how he is.  We'd also been working on some persuasive letters and we wanted to read some of them to Room 5 to see if we could convince them to let us have Wally back.   We had a lot of fun chatting with the children in Room 5 and we know Wally is happy there.  Our letters must have worked though because he's going to be coming back in a week.  We can't wait! 

Here are Siale and Losana reading their letters:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wally has been found!

Last week we got a comment from Green Bay Primary School saying that they had found Wally! 

We were very excited that he has been found safe and sound.  The children in Room 5 at Green Bay Primary School are looking after him well.  They are putting up posts on their blog to let us know what Wally has been getting up to.   We think it was our missing posters that helped us to find Wally.  Here is Scott reading his missing poster.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Making Porotaka

We have been reading and learning about Matariki this week.  As part of our reading programme we read and followed instructions (with the help of Nana) to make a porotaka.  It was a little tricky but also a lot of fun. Here is a Jadaleigh explaining how to make a porotaka.  She used educreate on the ipad to make her video.  

Here is a video showing us as we made our porotaka.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Where's Wally

This is our class giraffe, Wally.  In the school holidays he went to Samoa but we haven't seen him since.  We've had three postcards from him, one from Holland, one from England and one from Australia.  In his last postcard he said he was heading back to Auckland, but he still hasn't come to see us.  If you see him running around Auckland city, send us a comment to let us know.  


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Another Keen Learner

Kaitati is another student who has been using his own time to become familiar with google apps. All week he has been using any free time he has on the computer to create a google drawing with some tiger facts.  He has gone home today and finally completed his project which he then shared with Miss Kirsty.  Kaitati has shown great perseverance and initiative to complete this project- especially since we haven't even started using google draw yet.  Keep it up Kaitati!

How to Make Milo

We have been learning how to write instructions.  This week we made a milo and then wrote down instructions on how to do it.  We then used google presentations to publish our work.  Here is the finished work completed by the Kakariki writing group.

Keen Learners

We love using google apps in our classroom and some of the children also love using them at home.  Perenara did not get his pl presentation completed on Monday as he had trouble with his computer.  He came bounding in today keen to tell us that he had completed it from home, and it looks great.  Leilani has also been working hard at home.  She has worked out that she can use google docs to help her practice her spelling words.   Have a look at their great work.

My Spelling Words

All of my spelling  words are going to be the colour Green.

1.This is a Private talk.
2. I’m  Driving a car.
3.Is the Engine working now.
4. Something Appears to be wrong?
5.Where is my Parachute?
6.You should always Recycle stuff.
8.Put your Rubbish into the bin.

I have Finished  my spelling words activity that i could do after school on my dad’s Laptop.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pl Words

After our buddy session last week with room 6 some of the children have created a presentation all by themselves.  Siosifa, Helen and LJ have all made their own presentations on our blend of the week pl.  Can you think of some more pl words?