Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This Term we have been learning about keeping our ocean clean. During our cleaning campaign we were disappointed to find lots of rubbish around the beach. So today we stood by the road side to make our voices heard about keeping the ocean clean. It was fun and the response from the public was great! We are sure we had a bit of a success in delivering our message to the community.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Coast line clean up

Last Monday Room 10 went to the Tamaki River for a coastal clean up. We found heaps of rubbish lying around the water. There were glass bottles, cans, plastic bottles and all other kind of rubbish that people throw without realising that it can be harmful for our sea animals. Sea is important to us because it gives us sea food. We need to look after the sea and sea animals. Here is graph to show what we found.



Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Facts about Octopus

Taonga researched for facts about octopus.

1. Octopus live on the ocean floor. The octopus makes a cave with rocks and shells. It has 2 rows of suckers on all of it’s arms. 
2. The octopus has 8 arms. 
3. They can lay as many as 500,000 eggs at one time. 
4. Mum and dad octopus die when the eggs hatch.
5. Octopus likes to eat crabs, lobsters, fish, sea worms and shrimp. Pollution is a major threat to octopus.

Fish Art

This Term we have been learning about Sea animals and so for Art decided to paint fish. Enjoy watching our fish Art.