Monday, October 27, 2014

Celebrating Festivals

People feel really awesome on festivals. sometimes it’s fantastic and people can sometimes get surprised when they get amazing gifts. Everyone feels beautiful and wonderful at christmas or Diwali.There is a lot of activity around. Families like to have barbeques and celebrate Diwali and Christmas on festivals.I feel like I am everywhere. I feel different when we have festivals. It is relaxing but sometimes when there are kids screaming I  feel weird and strange.                                                                                                                  
People love to celebrate festivals.  People do fireworks diyas, lights and candles.They like to clean their house and decorate their houses. People like to get gifts sweets and new clothes. Then the adults give presents to their kids.                            
Sometimes people light  fireworks and they can cause trouble. People can burn themselves by the fireworks. They even light candles which can drop on to the ground and burn the carpet. Then the house will burn down and they will die from the fire. Sometimes people gamble on festivals. Gambling is bad because they go and play games to win money but they lose money and then they don’t care about food for their family.
Fireworks are dangerous and people need to be careful when they are lighting them.
On festival days some people can’t celebrate because they are too poor. We need to think about the poor on these days. We must try and save some money to buy gifts for the poor so that they can feel happy on festivals too.

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